There are many opportunities for VPC members and regular attendees to participate in Mercy Ministry. We encourage you to consider becoming involved in at least one of the following areas. As we are reminded in the Book of James, our faith is shown by our deeds!
Below lists some of those opportunities with the contact person in parentheses:
Serving the Church Family
Meals Ministry (Jhearlyn Chavez)
Visiting the elderly and homebound (Deacon Nathan Maack)
Greeting Church Visitors (Elder Jack Riedinger)
Ushering, Setup (Deacon Eddie Arreaga)
Serving the Community
Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission (Deacon Nathan Maack)
Pregnancy Center Support (Deacon Mark Sidall)
Skidrow Ministry (Bill Egerdahl)
Christmas Collection (Deacons)
Nursing Home Ministry (Deacon Mark Siddall)
Used Bible Collection (Elder Jaime Garcia)
Serving at your side,
Your Deacons, Nathan Maack, Titus Mischke, Mark Siddall, Alan Husted and Eddie Arreaga