Sermons from April 2017

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April 30, 2017

Ministering In Jesus' Name

Preacher: Pastor Ron Svendsen Series: 2nd Corinthians Topic: 2 Corinthians Scripture: 2 Corinthians 7:2–16

April 23, 2017

Relating to Unbelievers

Preacher: Pastor Ron Svendsen Series: 2nd Corinthians Topic: 2 Corinthians Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:14– 7:1

April 16, 2017

The Resurrection Road

Preacher: Pastor Ron Svendsen Series: The Cross of Christ Topic: Easter Scripture: Acts 26:1–29

April 14, 2017

What Happened At The Cross?

Preacher: Pastor Ron Svendsen Series: The Cross of Christ Topic: Good Friday Scripture: Mark 15:21–32

April 9, 2017

Creating A Servant Culture

Preacher: Pastor Ron Svendsen Series: 2nd Corinthians Topic: 2 Corinthians Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:3–13

April 2, 2017

Now Is The Time

Preacher: Pastor Ron Svendsen Series: 2nd Corinthians Topic: 2 Corinthians Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:16– 6:2