Worshipping as The Family of God
Children are welcomed in worship as part of the covenant family of God. We encourage families to keep their children in the worship service regardless of age, so they may follow parent examples in worshipping God. Don’t worry if your children are a bit restless or noisy. However, if you believe your child is too restless or noisy during any worship service, don’t hesitate to visit the Training Room.
Training Room Guidelines
What is the Purpose of the Training Room?
- The Training Room is a setting for Parents to meet the needs of their children that provides access to the worship service.
Who May Use the Training Room?
- Training Room use is for Parents with Children, exclusively.
- Children must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian in the Training Room.
- Training Room use will be monitored by Ushers, Deacons, & Elders.
When is the Training Room Available?
- The Training Room is available to Parents & their Children for the duration of the worship service.